Service Desk Benchmarking
Automatically capture IT service benchmark data from Service Desk
SolarWinds® Service Desk automatically captures data from your service desk process to give you an accurate picture of your organization’s performance. Service Desk measures and displays performance metrics such as customer satisfaction, average response speed, agent satisfaction, and other indications of a successful service desk experience. This makes it easy to compare your organization’s performance with industry standards.
Identify trends in your service desk performance
In order to derive actionable insights, organizations must look at disparate performance metrics over time. Service Desk enables administrators to identify performance trends over months and quarters to arrive at a comprehensive understanding of IT desk performance. Organizations can also compare trends in internal team performance with performance benchmarks set by industry competitors.
Compare your performance with industry service desk benchmarks
SolarWinds Service Desk makes it easy to compare your organization’s performance with competitors in the industry by tracking KPIs and comparing them against stats from a rigorously selected peer group, vetted for criteria such as geographical location and scale. By collecting industry information in real time, SolarWinds Service Desk enables organizations to track and contextualize performance with the most up-to-date information possible.
Customize IT service benchmark reports for IT, HR, facilities and any other department
Different departments in your organization can benefit from benchmarking. Comparing with industry standards can help more than technicians and service desk representatives. Benchmarks can outline areas of potential improvement for your HR department and your facilities maintenance. SolarWinds Service Desk enables users to create customized reports targeting different areas for different departments, improving service delivery across the organization.
Use service desk benchmarking to pinpoint areas for growth and improvement
The real benefit of benchmarking is it allows your service desk team to quickly adopt measures and best practices implemented by the industry’s top performers. With Service Desk, teams can quickly identify areas needing improvement and derive actionable measures to improve outcomes. Organizations can also track their improvements in real time, adjust as needed, and ultimately accelerate their progress.
Get More on Service Desk Benchmarking
What is service desk benchmarking?
Service desk benchmarking refers to using metrics to compare your organization’s service desk performance to competitors and leaders in the industry. Benchmarking allows you to evaluate how the services you provide to your employees compare to other organizations. By measuring KPIs against industry leaders, you can determine the effectiveness and efficiency of your service desk and identify areas for improvement and growth.
Although service desk benchmarking requires continuous data collection, the benchmarking process uses straightforward methods. Most benchmarking services begin by pulling performance data from the organization and determining the scope and scale of the benchmarking process. For instance, some organizations may wish to measure service delivery across the company while others may choose to focus on the service desk.
After determining the scale, organizations isolate the performance metrics they choose to use. These can be more general or broken down into minute criteria. Finally, organizations set benchmarks by comparing their performance data with the output of competitors in their peer group. Competitors can be limited based on scale, geography, or the complexity of the operation.
What areas can benefit from service desk benchmarking?
Many parts of the service desk management process could benefit from benchmarking. In fact, a key component of benchmarking is identifying which part of your specific process would benefit from measurements and defined best practices.
A list of standard industry benchmarks may be divided into cost, productivity, service levels, quality, contract handling, workload, and more. Each category can then be subdivided into quantifiable metrics, for instance, cost per minute of service, and average time spent per request.
To make a clear comparison of different organizations, it’s important to compare areas in peer organizations. Benchmarking capabilities enable you to compare your metrics against organizations like yours in terms of size, scale, services covered, and governmental environment. Comparing costs with a commensurate company could give you an idea of whether your customer satisfaction levels make sense considering the cost of your service and the quality you hope to provide.
Typically, service desks at different organizations will want to know if they’re at least matching competitors in terms of customer experience and resolution times. They’ll also want to know if there are industry best practices for reducing costs and improving efficiency. By using an apples-to-apples comparison, you can arrive at a clear understanding of how your organization is performing in each area and isolate areas for improvement.
How does service desk benchmarking work?
Service desk benchmarking works in a straightforward fashion. Its purpose is to compare your organization’s service desk performance to similar organizations by using a set of standardized service desk benchmark metrics. Service desk benchmarking is designed to help you discover actionable areas and design a course for improvement.
Service desk benchmarking begins by collecting data from your organization’s performance and identifying KPIs, including cost, customer satisfaction, agent satisfaction, and other IT desk metrics. These target areas measure quality of service and industry best practices.
Service desk benchmarking compares your performance trends against competitors in your industry. You can receive a comprehensive breakdown of your scores against industry competitors and quickly identify areas in need of improvement, additional investment, or unnecessary spending.
Service desk benchmarking can also breakdown metrics as specifically or as generally as you need. You can choose to focus on IT desk performance or expand your scope to the organization. Generally, conducting benchmarking improves service desk performance faster and helps organizations isolate KPIs driving performance. Organizations looking to bridge the gap between them and industry leaders benefit from tracking and benchmarking.
How does service desk benchmarking work in SolarWinds Service Desk?
Service desk benchmarking in SolarWinds Service Desk helps you continuously improve your operations and strive for a best-of-breed service desk. Service Desk enables you to compare important metrics with those of other organizations and helps you focus on factors driving superior performance.
Service desk automatically captures data from your IT desk, including metrics for productivity, cost, quality, workload, and more. Each area is broken down into quantifiable metrics including tickets per agent, incidents per agent, and agent utilization.
SolarWinds Service Desk compares data from your organization to data from a selection of other comparable organizations. Service Desk helps set industry benchmarks in real time, ensuring you’ll have the most up-to-date view of industry standards and any changes to best practices.
By viewing current performance or performance over time, you can continuously improve different service desk areas and receive updated scores in key areas. With SolarWinds Service Desk, you can customize benchmarking reports for any department providing services to employees or clients. By building customized reports for IT, HR, facilities and more, you can empower improvements across your organization and strive for industry best standards in every department.
- What is service desk benchmarking?
- What areas can benefit from service desk benchmarking?
- How does service desk benchmarking work?
- How does service desk benchmarking work in SolarWinds Service Desk?
What is service desk benchmarking?
Service desk benchmarking refers to using metrics to compare your organization’s service desk performance to competitors and leaders in the industry. Benchmarking allows you to evaluate how the services you provide to your employees compare to other organizations. By measuring KPIs against industry leaders, you can determine the effectiveness and efficiency of your service desk and identify areas for improvement and growth.
Although service desk benchmarking requires continuous data collection, the benchmarking process uses straightforward methods. Most benchmarking services begin by pulling performance data from the organization and determining the scope and scale of the benchmarking process. For instance, some organizations may wish to measure service delivery across the company while others may choose to focus on the service desk.
After determining the scale, organizations isolate the performance metrics they choose to use. These can be more general or broken down into minute criteria. Finally, organizations set benchmarks by comparing their performance data with the output of competitors in their peer group. Competitors can be limited based on scale, geography, or the complexity of the operation.
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