SolarWinds Virtualization Manager 功能
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1-5 ,共 5 个用例
Hyper-V Monitoring Tool
Fix virtualization issues with the right Hyper-V performance monitoring tool
Nutanix AHV 性能监视工具
VMAN 可通过一个监视工具仪表板监视 Nutanix AVH 的性能、问题和指标。
Virtual Server and Virtual Machine (VM) Configuration Management
Isolate VM performance issues caused by VM configuration changes in Hyper-V and VMware environments.
VMware Log Monitoring Can Help Speed Up VMware Troubleshooting
Use VMware log analysis to help speed up the troubleshooting process.
虚拟机 (VM) 容量规划和管理工具
全面掌控 VMware 环境
Virtualization Manager
- 提供虚拟机建议以优化虚拟机大小和放置
- 虚拟机资源规划
- 特定于虚拟机监控程序的活动警报
VMAN 是一个 Orion 模块,建立在 SolarWinds Platform 之上
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